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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What jobs offer good schedules for high school students?

I'm a high school junior trying to balance school, extracurriculars, and possibly a part-time job. Are there any jobs that usually have schedules flexible enough for high school students? Any specific industries or positions I should look into?

2 days ago

High school students often find success with part-time jobs in the retail, food service, or private tutoring industries due to their flexible hours and suitability for individuals without a degree.

In retail, positions such as cashiers or stock associates often have shift options that can work around a school schedule. Many stores increase their staff during the holidays, and they might have openings that suit your timetable.

Food service jobs like restaurant hosting or fast-food crew member can have evening and weekend hours, which is often ideal for high school students. Plus, these jobs can offer the benefit of tips above your hourly wage.

Private tutoring is another excellent option as you usually have the freedom to set your own schedule. If you excel in a particular subject, you can assist others and make money while enhancing your knowledge on the subject.

It's also worth looking into jobs at places that have evening hours, like movie theaters or bowling alleys. Some may even allow you to study or do homework during downtime.

Remember that finding a job that molds to your school and extracurricular responsibilities is key. Try to be upfront with potential employers about your availability so you don't overcommit and inadvertently impact your school work or quality of life.

2 days ago

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