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How do tactical operations work for enlisted personnel?

I'm interested in military tactical operations and what roles enlisted personnel play in them. Could someone explain what this job involves, and if there are specific qualifications required to be in tactical ops?

2 days ago

In the military, enlisted personnel in tactical operations play a variety of roles depending on their rank, specialty, and the specific mission. Enlisted service members may work alongside officers as part of a team carrying out the mission, and those with more experience could be in charge of a team or specific operations.

Tactical operations refer to the specific maneuvers, procedures, and techniques used by armed forces to accomplish their missions. This can cover a broad scope of activities ranging from combat operation to humanitarian assistance.

Enlisted personnel might be involved in direct combat, reconnaissance, equipment maintenance, logistical support, medical assistance, and more. Each role has its specific duties and responsibilities. For instance, a combat engineer might be responsible for clearing improvised explosive devices (IEDs), while a medic is tasked with providing first aid in the field.

As for the qualifications, it differs by role and branch of service. Generally, enlisted service members must meet basic physical and mental health requirements. Educationally, a high school diploma or GED is usually required, though some jobs may require specific skills or education. More technical roles often require specific training or certifications, while others require completion of specific courses or aptitude tests to continue within that line.

An applicant must also complete Basic Combat Training (BCT)–or boot camp–which teaches basic military skills, discipline, and physical fitness. Following BCT, service members will move on to Advanced Individual Training (AIT) or a similar program where they'll learn the specific skills needed for their chosen specialty.

Remember, serving in the military, in whatever role, requires commitment, flexibility, and dedication. While the roles and responsibilities can seem daunting, the military provides the necessary training and resources for their personnel to excel. This training often proves invaluable, both during service and in pursuing future career opportunities.

2 days ago

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