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What NH Colleges Offer Best Biology Programs?

Looking for recommendations on New Hampshire colleges with great biology programs. Which schools are highly rated for this major, and what resources or programs do they have that make them stand out?

2 days ago

In New Hampshire, both Dartmouth College and the University of New Hampshire (UNH) have strong biology programs worth considering.

Dartmouth, an Ivy League institution, offers various options within the field of biology, such as Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology. Dartmouth students are known for getting an abundance of research opportunities, often working one-on-one with professors. This could be a fantastic opportunity if you're considering going into research or grad school. Moreover, Dartmouth's small class size helps foster a more personal learning environment.

UNH, on the other hand, has one of the largest biology programs in the state. They have excellent facilities including the Gregg Hall, which houses the Biomedical Science programs and biotechnology programs, and the Spaulding Life Science Building, which is home to the individual research laboratories of faculty in Zoology and Plant Biology. Students at UNH often have the opportunity to undertake fieldwork, and the university has solid connections for internships and job placement after graduation.

Dartmouth and UNH have different atmospheres and experiences, so you might want to visit both campuses to see which environment suits you best. Your decision should also consider factors beyond the strength of the biology programs—such as total cost, financial aid availability, degree of urbanization, extracurricular activities, and campus culture. Good luck with your college search!

2 days ago

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