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What are the top jobs right out of high school?

I'm thinking about entering the workforce right after high school. Can anyone share some of the best job options available that don't require further education? I'm curious about both entry-level opportunities and ones with growth potential.

2 days ago

Sure, many good job options don't require a four-year degree. Here are some that offer both starting wages and opportunities for growth:

1. Sales Representatives: While this can sometimes require a degree, many companies offer training programs and value strong communication skills and persistence. You can start as an entry-level representative and potentially move up to a sales manager or even start your own business.

2. Trade Jobs: Trade jobs like electricians, plumbers, and HVAC technicians are in high demand. These usually require an apprenticeship, which often includes both paid work experience and relevant education, but not a degree.

3. Computer Technicians: In the tech industry, being able to show your skills can sometimes matter more than a degree. Entry-level positions like computer technician or IT Support Specialist can be a foot in the door, and with experience, you could move up or potentially branch out to specialize in areas like network or security administration.

4. Real Estate Agents: Though you will need to be licensed, it's possible to start a career in real estate straight out of high school. As you gain experience and broaden your network, this career offers a considerable potential for earning.

5. Physical Therapy Aides: While becoming a physical therapist requires advanced education, physical therapy aides require only a high school diploma and on-the-job training. This can be a good starting point for someone interested in healthcare but not ready to commit to further schooling.

6. Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs): EMTs are first responders who provide emergency medical care. To become an EMT, you would need to complete a postsecondary educational program, which can be done at a technical institute, community college, or through an emergency services company.

7. Administrative Assistants: Many companies hire high school graduates for clerical roles, which often have a clear path to promotion within the company.

8. Customer Service Representatives: Many companies across industries need customer service reps, and this experience can lead to higher roles like team lead or manager, or transfer to other industries.

Remember, the best job for you depends on your interests and skills. If you enjoy problem-solving, perhaps a trade job or a technology position might be a good fit. If you're a "people person," maybe consider something in sales or customer service. The important thing is to enjoy what you're doing as you build experience and skills for your future career.

2 days ago

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