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Is it possible to enlist in the US military with a GED?

I completed my GED instead of a traditional high school diploma. Does that affect my eligibility to enlist in the US military? Do they have special requirements or additional steps for GED holders looking to join?

2 days ago

While each branch of the U.S. Military has its own specific requirements, possessing a GED rather than a high school diploma generally will not automatically bar you from eligibility. The branches do, however, have different stances on GED holders.

For example, the Army has been known to accept GED holders, but it does consider applications from those with a high school diploma more favorably. In the Navy, applicants with a GED alone may face a slightly more complex process and could be considered 'Tier 2' candidates, getting priority after the 'Tier 1' candidates who have a traditional high school diploma. The Marine Corps, on the other hand, mandates that a percentage of enlisted individuals possess a high school diploma, making it potentially more difficult for GED holders.

While GED holders can enlist, obtaining some college credits along with your GED can improve your candidacy. Many branches offer higher enlistment grades for those with college credit, meaning you could enter the military at a higher rank and pay grade. This varies by branch, so it's best to inquire at local recruiting offices to get the most current and precise information.

It is important to note that all branches require potential enlistees to pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test to gauge your abilities and potentially determine your military occupational specialties. It's a series of tests that help determine your strengths and show where you might best fit in the military structure.

Remember, the recruiter is there to answer questions and assist you as much as possible. Please ensure to ask as many questions as you need so that you can make an informed decision about your enlistment.

2 days ago

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