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How to Enlist in the US Military?

I'm a junior in high school considering joining the military after graduation, but I'm not sure where to start. What are the steps I need to take to enlist? Are there any resources or guidance available to help me?

2 days ago

There are several steps to enlisting in the U.S. military that you're going to want to follow. I will outline a general process, but keep in mind that procedures can vary slightly depending on which branch of the military you're interested in (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Space Force).

1. Research: Get to know the different branches of the military, what they offer, their requirements, and what is expected from you as a member. Learn the difference between enlistment and commission, active duty versus reserves, etc.

2. Meet with a Recruiter: Reach out to a local military recruiter. They're a wealth of knowledge and can answer any detailed questions you may have about life in the military, commitments, benefits, training, and job opportunities.

3. Meet the Basic Requirements: Each branch of the military has different eligibility requirements, but some rules apply across all branches. Generally, you must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, at least 17 years old (with parental consent if you’re under 18), have a high school diploma, and meet physical, moral, and mental standards.

4. Take the ASVAB: You'll need to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), which tests your knowledge and skills in different areas. It's also used to determine which military jobs you're qualified for.

5. Medical Exam: Initialize a medical prescreening process. This is usually done electronically. If your prescreening is acceptable, then you will go through a physical examination at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS).

6. Enlist: Once you pass the physical and ASVAB, you'll choose your career path, take the oath of enlistment, and set a ship date for boot camp.

Remember to consult a military recruiter to get the most accurate guidance for your specific situation. Consider talking to trusted sources who have military experience, like a family member, neighbor or teacher as well. As you're still in high school, you may also want to speak with your school counselor, as they may also have resources available. Keep in mind that this is a significant commitment, so you should take all the time you need to be sure about your decision before enlisting.

2 days ago

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