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How can high school students find online tutoring jobs?

I've been tutoring some classmates and was hoping to take it online for some extra income. Are there any websites that help high school students find online tutoring jobs?

2 days ago

There are several online platforms out there that facilitate tutoring opportunities, though some are more age-restrictive than others.

If you're 18 or older, websites like Chegg Tutors and are options where you can apply to be an online tutor, but they typically require you to be pursuing or hold a college degree.

However, there are options for high school students as well. For example, there’s a site called SameSpeak that specifically hires people as young as 16 to teach English. Moreover, some companies like Enroll let people as young as 15 tutor students. You'd just have to confirm with the parents of the kids you're tutoring that they're okay with your age.

One more route you might consider is branching out on your own. Social media and professional networking sites (like LinkedIn) can be a way to advertise your services. Remember to clearly articulate what subjects and grade levels you're capable of tutoring. Just be careful to keep your privacy and safety a priority when connecting with potential clients online.

Although these are excellent starting points, keep in mind that different sites may have different pay rates and standards, so do some research before getting started. Best of luck with your tutoring venture!

2 days ago

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