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Housing options for military enlistees from Salt Lake City in Hawaii

If I enlist in the military and get stationed in Hawaii, what are my housing options? I'm from Salt Lake City and curious about how military housing works over there, especially for families. Any insights would be appreciated!

2 days ago

If you enlist in the military and are stationed in Hawaii, you will typically have two housing options: on-base housing or off-base housing with a housing allowance.

On-base housing tends to be a popular option for many military personnel and their families. This housing operates just like a planned community, providing living spaces that often include multiple bedrooms, a full kitchen, living room, and sometimes a yard. The benefits of this option include proximity to work and other base facilities, as well as a strong community of military families living in the same area.

However, if you prefer to live off-base, you will typically receive Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH). The BAH is a U.S. based allowance prescribed by geographic duty location, pay grade, and dependency status. It provides uniformed service members with housing compensation when government quarters aren't provided. The rates are set by survey data that record median current market rent prices and average utilities (including electricity, heat, and water/sewer) in the local civilian housing markets.

Keep in mind, living off-base means additional responsibilities, such as dealing with landlords, maintenance, and utilities. In Hawaii, the cost of living is higher than in many other parts of the U.S., which is accounted for in the BAH but something to bear in mind when budgeting.

An important factor to consider, regardless of which option you choose, is wait-times. Depending on the capacity and the demand, there might be a waiting list for on-base housing. It would be beneficial to inquire about this as early as possible.

Overall, the decision often depends on personal preference and family needs. It would be wise to research both options thoroughly before making a final decision.

2 days ago

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