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Can foreign nationals enlist in the US military?

I'm a foreign national interested in joining the US military. I was wondering if it's possible for someone like me to enlist and what the process might be like. Are there specific requirements or limitations?

2 days ago

Yes, foreign nationals can enlist in the U.S. military, but there are a number of conditions that must be met. The most important condition is that the individual must have a legal Permanent Resident status, commonly referred to as possessing a Green Card, upon enlisting. It's important to note that mere visa holders, undocumented immigrants, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients generally cannot join the military.

Once you have Permanent Resident status and have enlisted, there are a number of benefits. Along with the usual benefits of military service like secure employment and professional training, serving in the U.S. military successfully can fast-track the naturalization process to become a U.S. citizen, often waiving some of the standard requirements like residency minimums.

Remember that military service, while noble and rewarding, is not an easy route to immigration or citizenship and it carries risks and sacrifices. It's important to fully understand what military service means and entails before deciding it’s the right step for you.

Another important note is the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) program, which used to allow certain non-citizens in the U.S. to join the military and thereby gain eligibility for U.S. citizenship without first having to go through the lengthy permanent residence process. However, as of 2016, the MAVNI program has been suspended indefinitely. Currently, the avenue open for most is enlisting with a Green Card.

Please consult an immigration attorney or counselor for advice tailored to your particular set of circumstances. Laws can change, and each person's situation can present different options and challenges.

2 days ago

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