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Best Schools for Conservation Biology?

I'm passionate about conservation and want to study conservation biology in college. Which schools have the top programs in this area? I'd love to know about schools that focus on environmental impact and preservation.

2 days ago

There are several excellent universities where you could study conservation biology. Here are a few that are renowned for their programs in this area:

1. University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley): The Department of Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management at UC Berkeley offers an undergraduate major in Conservation and Resource Studies. This interdisciplinary program provides a solid background in the natural sciences and introduces students to social science and policy.

2. Stanford University: Stanford's Earth Systems Program offers a world-class interdisciplinary curriculum centered on environmental science, including a track in Land Systems. This focused track investigates the role of ecological and social processes in shaping land use patterns and conservation efforts.

3. Colorado State University: This university offers a Bachelor's in Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, and is recognized as a global leader in environmental and sustainability studies.

4. Duke University: The Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke is widely acknowledged as one of the world's leading schools for environmental science. Essential curricula on understanding biodiversity and conservation theory can be found in a major titled Environmental Sciences and Policy.

5. Cornell University: The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell houses a fantastic program in Natural Resources where students can concentrate in areas like wildlife conservation.

Remember, beyond the prestige of the program, it might also be worth considering faculty research interests, available internships, access to ecosystems for field research, and the overall campus sustainability practices. This could all contribute to a more enriching academic experience in conservation biology. Definitely take a close look at the course options in each program to ensure they match your specific interests within the field of conservation biology.

2 days ago

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