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Should I start a trade job while still in high school?

I've been thinking about starting a trade job while I'm still in high school to build experience and earn some money. Do you guys recommend it? How do I balance it with my schoolwork? Anyone here tried this before?

2 days ago

Balancing a trade job while in high school can be a rewarding experience but will require careful time management. A part-time job can teach you practical job skills, provide income, and potentially evolve into a full-time career post-high school. However, it's essential that your job does not interfere with your academic and extracurricular commitments.

Here are some ways you can balance your schoolwork with a job:

1. Prioritize: School should still be your first priority. Make a list of what needs to be done and by when. Then determine what is most important to tackle first.

2. Keep organized: Use a planner or digital calendar to mark important due dates, assignment deadlines, and work shifts. Seeing your commitments all together can help you view your time holistically and avoid overcommitting.

3. Schedule downtime: Even though you might be extremely busy, ensure you get enough rest and relaxation time to avoid burning out.

4. Learn to time manage: Utilize any free time you have to complete assignments or study. Find ways to be productive during breaks at work or on commutes.

5. Communicate: If you find yourself struggling to meet your academic and work commitments, communicate openly and honestly with your employer and school about your workload.

Remember, while you can gain valuable experience and income from a trade job, don't let it compromise your schoolwork or health. Many students have balanced school with part-time jobs, so it's certainly doable, but requires organization, priority setting, and effective time management.

2 days ago

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