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Opportunities for 2024 high school graduates?

With graduation approaching, I'm trying to navigate what the job market looks like for someone graduating high school in 2024. Are there specific fields or roles expected to have openings that I should consider?

2 days ago

Without a doubt, technology-related roles, especially those in cybersecurity, programming, and network administration are expected to experience substantial job growth. In this digital era, almost every company requires technology to operate efficiently, which means there is a steady demand for technically skilled graduates.

Apart from that, healthcare roles, including certified nursing assistants and medical assistants, are projected to see continuous growth as the population ages and requires more health services. Similarly, mental health sectors, including jobs related to counseling and behavior therapy, are likely to expand due to an increased focus on mental health awareness.

Service sector jobs, such as in retail, food, and customer service, are always in need of fresh recruits. Granted, these positions may not pay as much as technical or healthcare jobs, but they are generally more amenable to high school graduates with little experience and offer an excellent entry point into the workforce.

Another industry expected to grow is any role that emphasizes environmental sustainability, such as renewable energy technologies, environmental science, and waste management. Many of these roles require additional training or technical certifications, but there is a growing demand for individuals interested in these fields.

In general, it would be a good idea to consider your personal interests and skills while choosing a field. However, gaining job experience right after high school can be valuable, regardless of the field. You could choose to start with a part-time job or an internship in your fields of interest. You will not only acquire skills and experience, but you'll also be able to determine if the field is the right fit for you in the long run.

Without knowing more about your specific interests or skills, it's hard to suggest more tailored job roles. But, the above-mentioned fields are generally trending upwards and could provide you with a solid starting point after graduation.

2 days ago

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