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What are the ranks for enlisted soldiers in the Army?

I'm considering enlisting in the Army after high school but I'm a bit confused about what the different ranks mean. Can anyone explain how the ranking system works for enlisted soldiers?

2 days ago

The rank structure for enlisted soldiers in the U.S. Army is important as it showcases a soldier's experience and responsibilities. It begins with the entry-level rank and goes up to the highest enlisted rank:

1. Private (E1): A trainee starting Basic Combat Training (BCT). They own this rank until graduation.

2. Private (E2): Granted upon completion of Basic Combat Training, boot camp, or about 6 months of military service.

3. Private First Class (E3): Attained at 12 months of military service and 4 months time in the Private (E2) rank.

4. Specialist (E4): Acquired generally at two years of service and given to soldiers with a higher level of technical and tactical expertise.

5. Corporal (E4): This is a team leader role, often a stepping stone to a higher leadership position.

6. Sergeant (E5): Attained at around 4.5 years of service. Sergeants typically lead squads of 9 to 10 soldiers.

7. Staff Sergeant (E6): Achieved approximately at 8 years of service. They're responsible for 12 to 16 soldiers in a squad or team.

8. Sergeant First Class (E7): They usually serve as platoon sergeants, in charge of two or more squads, typically 16 to 40 soldiers.

9. Master Sergeant (E8): At 13 to 17 years of service, they serve in higher-level supervisory positions.

10. First Sergeant (E8): They are senior non-commissioned officers at company level, often specializing in administrative tasks and ensuring smooth operation of the company.

11. Sergeant Major (E9): They typically have 27 to 33 years of military experience. They serve as key advisors to commanders and oversee training and standards of enlisted soldiers.

12. Command Sergeant Major (E9): They are the top enlisted leader in their respective units, with responsibility to advise the commander on all matters pertaining to enlisted soldiers.

13. Sergeant Major of the Army (E9): This is the highest enlisted rank in the Army, with only one individual holding this rank at a time. They serve as the senior enlisted advisor to the Chief of Staff of the Army.

Each rank represents not only increasing levels of leadership and responsibility, but also difficulty in earning promotion to that rank. Pay also increases with rank and years of service. Note that officer ranks are a separate system.

2 days ago

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