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SAT: 720 math
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Can I work at a tech museum while still in high school?

I'm a high school student interested in tech and museums. Are there any job opportunities at tech museums for someone my age? I’d love to get some work experience in a place that combines my interests.

2 days ago

Certainly! Tech museums are often on the lookout for enthusiastic volunteers or even part-time workers who are passionate about technology. These opportunities are usually open to students as young as high school age. While the jobs available to you might not involve curatorial tasks, there will likely be roles related to visitor services, facilitating exhibits, or running educational workshops.

For instance, you might find opportunities in guiding tours, helping with interactive displays, assisting with administrative or operational tasks, or even delivering workshops to younger visitors. These roles will allow you to build plenty of transferable skills such as public speaking, coordination, team working, and customer service, all while immersing yourself in a technology-centric environment.

You'll want to visit the websites of your local tech museums to see if they offer any high school internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer positions. You might also consider reaching out directly to the education or visitor services departments to express your interest and inquire about potential opportunities.

Remember, demonstrating your passion and knowledge of technology, along with your eagerness to learn and contribute, can go a long way in landing you a position in such a setting. This will not only promote your understanding of the intersection of technology and museums but also provide a unique opportunity for you to explore potential career paths post-high school. Good luck!

2 days ago

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