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What is the average pay for a high school job?

I'm trying to save up some money and wonder what the typical pay is for high school students looking to work part-time. Any specific jobs that tend to pay more than average?

2 days ago

The pay for a typical part-time job for high school students largely depends on the type of job, geographic location, and the state's minimum wage laws. Generally, the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, but many states have a higher minimum wage. Some cities also have their own minimum wage, which is often higher than both the state and federal minimum. Be sure to check your local laws to get a more accurate idea.

As far as jobs that tend to pay more than average, consider jobs that include tips—like restaurant servers or delivery jobs—as they often result in higher earnings. However, keep in mind that you need to be at least 18 years of age for some delivery jobs, such as with Amazon or UPS, due to insurance requirements.

Another higher paying job for students could be tutoring. If you excel in a specific subject area or have a skill such as playing a musical instrument, you can earn a higher hourly wage from private tutoring.

Also, you may find specialty retail stores, such as technology or luxury goods, may offer higher wages, although these jobs tend to require more specialized knowledge.

Just a side note, part-time work can also provide valuable skills and experiences that will be beneficial beyond high school, which is something to consider along with the pay rate. Remember to balance any work commitments with your school workload, extracurricular activities, and relaxation time.

2 days ago

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