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What jobs can high school graduates get?

I'm a high school junior trying to figure out what jobs are available for graduates with just a diploma. What are some common career paths for people without a college degree?

2 days ago

There are actually a variety of jobs that high school graduates can consider across a range of industries. Here are a few examples with their average annual salaries, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:

1. Administrative Assistant: In this role, you would provide office support including fielding telephone calls, receiving and directing visitors, word processing, filing, and faxing. The national median salary for this role is around $46,010.

2. Customer Service Representative: In this position, you would interact with customers on behalf of a company or brand. The national median salary for customer service representatives is around $39,680.

3. Restaurant Server: As a server, you would interact with restaurant patrons, taking orders, making recommendations, and generally ensuring a quality dining experience. The income for this type of role varies greatly depending on the establishment and tips.

4. Retail Salesperson: In this position, you would help customers select and purchase merchandise. The median salary for a retail salesperson is about $33,900 but can vary based on commission.

5. Construction Laborer: Construction laborers perform many tasks that require physical labor on construction sites. The median salary is around $44,310 but varies depending on the specific job and location.

It's worth mentioning that if you decide not to attend college right after high school, you might consider acquiring a trade skill such as electrician, plumber, or automotive technician. Many of these professions offer apprentice programs where you can earn while you learn.

There are also opportunities within the military which provides not only salary but also benefits, such as tuition assistance for those who wish to pursue a college degree later.

Remember, these are just a few examples of the many opportunities available to high school graduates. It's important to consider what type of work you're interested in, and then research potential jobs in that field.

2 days ago

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