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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Writing an Ivy-League-worthy Essay

Hey guys! I'll be applying to Ivy League schools next year and I want to make sure my essays are top-notch. Do you have any tips on what makes an Ivy League essay stand out from the rest? Really appreciate your help!

a year ago

Hey there! It's fantastic that you're aiming high and wanting to craft outstanding essays. When it comes to Ivy League essays, it's all about showcasing your unique voice and demonstrating how you can contribute to their community. Here are a few tips:

1. Be genuine: Share a personal story or experience that reflects your true self, even if it isn't the most impressive thing you've done. Admissions officers want to connect with a real person, not a list of achievements.

2. Focus on a single moment: Choose a specific experience or event that had a significant impact on you or illustrates who you are.

3. Reflect on your growth: Show how you've learned from your experiences and how they've shaped your values, perspectives, or ambitions.

4. Be specific: Include concrete details and examples to help your essay come to life and make it memorable.

Lastly, don't forget to revise and edit multiple times to ensure your essay is polished and well written. You can also consider seeking honest feedback from trusted friends, teachers, or counselors. Best of luck with your applications!

a year ago

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