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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What jobs should high school kids consider?

I'm a junior in high school and want to start thinking about job opportunities while I'm still in school. What kinds of jobs are good for kids my age? I'm looking for something that balances well with my school commitments.

2 days ago

There's a wide variety of jobs that high school students often consider. Here are a few possibilities:

1. Retail or food service: Many high school students find work at local restaurants or stores. These jobs often have flexible hours to accommodate after-school commitments. They provide opportunities to build skills in customer service, teamwork, and time management.

2. Tutoring: If you excel in a particular subject, tutoring can be a great option. This could be a paid position or a volunteer role, often both offer valuable experiences. It can help reinforce your own knowledge and develop teaching and communication skills.

3. Babysitting or pet sitting: Families in your neighborhood may need help taking care of their children or pets. Besides the monetary aspect, these roles often help in developing responsibility and reliability.

4. Internships or job shadowing: While these opportunities might not always be paid, they can be valuable if they align with your future career interests. They provide a unique opportunity to gain insights into a particular field and develop relevant skills.

5. Community service path: Local libraries, parks, and nonprofits often have positions for volunteers or part-time workers. Not only can this be directly fulfilling, your contribution to your community can look great on college applications.

Remember that the best job for you depends on your own interests, skills, and logistics such as transportation and scheduling. Be sure to also check the labor laws in your state as they may have specific rules about the hours and types of work that minors can do.

2 days ago

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