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SAT: 720 math
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What kind of jobs can a high school graduate get?

I'm about to graduate high school and am not sure I want to go straight to college. What kinds of job opportunities are out there for someone with just a high school diploma? Any advice or suggestions would be welcome, especially if it’s something with growth potential.

2 days ago

High school graduates have a wide variety of options available to them when considering the job market. In general, entry-level jobs in areas such as retail, food service, and customer service are often available to high school graduates without any additional training. Nevertheless, entry-level jobs are not to be underrated as they often provide critical skills such as customer service, teamwork, and time management, which are transferable to many future positions and industries.

If you're interested in a trade, you may consider positions like an electrician apprentice, a construction laborer, or a plumber's apprentice. These roles typically include an on-the-job training period. Over time, with more experience and certification, these careers can offer excellent wages and potential for growth. Similarly, if you have a particular talent for sales, entry-level roles in car sales or real estate could be a path to consider.

If an office environment suits you better, positions such as administrative assistant or data entry clerk could be a fit. While these roles may initially offer lower wages, they often provide a stepping stone into office management or specialized roles within an organization, such as human resources or operations.

Certain industries such as tech sector have positions like help desk operator or IT technician that don't always require a college degree, and these jobs could give you a foot in the door of a rapidly growing industry.

Finally, the public sector also has positions for high school graduates. For example, working for the post office as a mail sorter or carrier or working in local government offices are all possibilities.

Remember, if you decide later on that you want to pursue higher education, many employers offer tuition assistance programs. Therefore, it is an excellent path to gaining experience in the workforce, building new skill sets, and later pursuing a degree if you so choose. Be sure to research and consider your options to make the choice that will work best for you!

2 days ago

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