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SAT: 720 math
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Which Cal State Is Best for Engineering?

I'm considering applying to Cal State schools, and I'm interested in engineering. Which Cal State campus is the best for engineering programs in terms of academics, resources, and career support?

2 days ago

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona) and California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly SLO) are two Cal State campuses known for their strong engineering programs. They emphasize a hands-on approach to learning, which is a tremendous asset in a field like engineering where applied learning is so crucial.

Cal Poly SLO is generally more competitive to get into and they have a slightly more comprehensive range of engineering disciplines. Their standout programs include Architectural Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Materials Engineering.

Cal Poly Pomona, on the other hand, might provide a bit more personal attention, given a smaller student-to-faculty ratio. Their unique engineering offerings include Aerospace Engineering and Electromechanical Systems Engineering Technology.

Both schools have close ties to industry and offer a wealth of resources for engineering students, from dedicated career services to opportunities for internships and cooperative education.

However, you should decide which school is the best fit for you. Some students may prefer the rural setting of Cal Poly SLO, while others might prefer the suburban environment of Cal Poly Pomona. It's essential to consider factors like location, school culture, cost, and the specific engineering discipline you're interested in when deciding which school is the best fit for you. Remember to take advantage of resources like virtual campus tours or informational webinars to get a feel for each school.

2 days ago

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