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Choosing the Best Degree to Pair with Military Service

I'm considering joining the military after graduation but also want to get a degree. What are some effective degree options that complement a career in the military and provide good opportunities afterward?

5 hours ago

First off, it's commendable that you're already thinking about both your military service and your career post-military. A degree can indeed be a great asset when transitioning from the military to the civilian job market.

There are a few degree paths you might want to consider:

1. Engineering: A degree in an engineering discipline like civil, mechanical, or electrical engineering can be highly useful in the military for roles in logistics, technical support and infrastructure projects. Post-military, engineering degrees generally have high job placements and income potential in the private sector and in government jobs.

2. Computer Science: With the increasing reliance on technology in the military as well as the private sector, a computer science degree can be highly valuable. It could lead to roles in telecommunications, intelligence, and cybersecurity in the military, and similar roles in the civilian job market.

3. Business Administration: A business degree can offer skills in leadership, organization, and management. These skills could be beneficial in almost any military role, particularly in logistics, personnel management, and operations. Post-military, this degree can open doors to a myriad of sectors, including finance, project management, consultancy, or even entrepreneurship.

4. Foreign Language and International Relations: Mastery of a second language, especially one that is strategically valuable, such as Arabic, Farsi, Mandarin, or Russian, can be very useful in the military in fields like intelligence and diplomacy. Depending on your interests, you might also consider a degree in international relations. Post-service, these degrees can lead to work in diplomacy, international business or education.

5. Healthcare: Military service offers many opportunities in healthcare from roles in field medicine to hospital administration. If you get a degree in nursing, physical therapy or even pre-medicine, there are roles within the military where these skills are needed. After the military, these degrees can result in rather seamless transitions into civilian healthcare roles.

Remember, the best degree for you will largely depend on your personal interests, long-term career goals, and the specific branch of the military you're interested in. Consider speaking with a military recruiter to get more insight on which degree paths are most relevant for your desired role in the military. Consider too how these degree fields align with your potential career interests following military service.

5 hours ago

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