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Top colleges for atmospheric sciences and meteorology?

I'm really into weather and thinking about a career in meteorology. Which colleges are known for having top programs in atmospheric sciences and meteorology? I want a school with strong research opportunities, if possible.

6 hours ago

There are multiple colleges notable for their strong programs in Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, offering students a well-rounded education and robust research opportunities in the field.

Pennsylvania State University is frequently recognized at the top of the list for its Meteorology and Atmospheric Science program. It offers a comprehensive curriculum and expansive research opportunities. It truly excels in providing students with hands-on, experiential learning options. Many Penn State meteorology students intern or volunteer at the on-campus weather forecasting office.

The University of Oklahoma also has a highly ranked School of Meteorology. It is situated in a region known for its extreme weather, offering unique study and research opportunities. Moreover, its National Weather Center houses state, federal, and research organizations all related to meteorology, providing an integrated environment for learning and research.

University of Washington (UW) ranks high for its program in Atmospheric Sciences. It has one of the largest and most diverse departments and is well-known for its research output. Research opportunities at UW range from the physics of clouds to climate modeling.

Finally, University of Miami has the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science, which has a significant focus on tropical meteorology. They have strong marine and atmospheric research initiatives, providing students with valuable hands-on experiences.

Choosing a college is a highly personal decision and depends on various factors including location, size, cost, and overall fit. It's recommended that you visit these campuses virtually or in person, if possible, and talk to students and professors in the meteorology programs to get a better feel for what each school can offer.

6 hours ago

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