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Best Degree Options to Pair with Military Service

I'm planning to pursue higher education while serving in the military. What degrees are beneficial to combine with military service, and how might they help my career in and out of the military?

6 hours ago

It's fantastic that you're considering your education alongside your military service! Several degrees could prove beneficial, depending on your specific interests and career aspirations. Here are three popular degree pathways typically pursued by military members:

1. Engineering: An engineering degree is highly compatible with numerous military career paths such as combat engineering, aerospace, and naval architecture. The systematic problem-solving and technical skills you'll develop can translate into roles that involve equipment maintenance, infrastructure development, or even research and development. Moreover, these skills can be applied outside the military, in sectors like aerospace, defense, or civil engineering.

2. Computer Science or Cybersecurity: With increasing digital threats, the military has a significant need for personnel skilled in cybersecurity. A degree in Computer Science or specifically cybersecurity can prepare you for roles focused on safeguarding sensitive information, maintaining the integrity of communication networks, and combating cyber threats. As for civilian life, the cybersecurity sector is rapidly growing, with high-demand for such skills in a wide range of industries.

3. Business or Supply Chain Management: If you're inclined towards operational, logistical, or managerial roles, a Business or Supply Chain Management degree could be a good choice. These degrees build skills in coordinating resources, planning, decision-making, and leadership. Such skills are applicable within the military, particularly in Logistics Corps, and outside of it, in the civilian workforce where businesses always need skilled managers.

Remember, the "best" degree will ultimately depend on your personal interests and career goals, whether in the military or beyond. You can use the mentioned degrees as a starting point for further research. It might also be helpful to speak with others who serve/have served or with a military education office to get personalized advice.

6 hours ago

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