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What is the role of a recruiter?

I'm thinking about going into HR or recruiting after high school. What exactly does a recruiter do on a daily basis? Is it mostly just looking at resumes, or is there more to it, like conducting interviews or coordinating with companies?

2 days ago

A recruiter's role tends to be multifaceted and dynamic, as it involves the process of identifying, attracting, screening, and hiring qualified candidates for job openings. Their daily tasks can vary significantly depending on the industry and the specific needs of the companies they're working for.

Generally, a recruiter's workload can be divided into several key areas:

1. Job Analysis: Recruiters often work hand-in-hand with hiring managers to understand the specific requirements of a vacant job, including its duties, responsibilities, and necessary qualifications. This allows the recruiter to develop an accurate job posting that can attract the right candidates.

2. Sourcing Candidates: This involves hunting for potential candidates through a variety of sources, like job posting websites, recruiting platforms, professional networking platforms, job fairs, and others.

3. Screening Resumes: A good part of the recruiter's day might involve reviewing incoming job applications and resumes to determine if the applicants meet the job's requirements.

4. Interviewing: Yes, recruiters typically conduct initial interviews, either in person, over the phone, or through video conferencing, to further assess a candidate's eligibility for a role.

5. Coordination: Recruiters communicate with hiring managers and team members, imparting details about candidates, arranging subsequent interviews, coordinating offer letters, and handling follow-ups.

6. Networking: Recruiters also spend considerable time building professional networks and relationships, attending industry events, staying updated on the latest industry trends, and maintaining communication with past applicants for potential future opportunities.

Remember, each role could look a bit different depending on the specific job or company. Some recruiters may focus more heavily on sourcing and interviews, while others might focus on onboarding and training. It's a dynamic role that involves both soft skills like communication and networking, and hard skills like analyzing data from recruitment campaigns.

2 days ago

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