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Top Ivy League choices for a computer science major?

I've got my eyes on the Ivy League and am particularly interested in computer science. Does anyone have insights on which Ivy League colleges are the strongest for this major?

2 days ago

For Computer Science, it's worth considering any of the Ivy League schools. Each has different benefits to their Computer Science programs.

1. Princeton University: Princeton's Computer Science program is quite renowned. It's famous for its faculty, focus on theoretical computer science, and its unique integrated computer science education.

2. Harvard University: Harvard has increased focus on computer science in recent years, adding faculty, developing new courses, and cultivating a vibrant CS community. Their breadth of coursework and research opportunities are significant.

3. Columbia University: Columbia's Computer Science program is known for its strength in areas like natural language processing, computer graphics, and networking. Their program is integrated with NYC's tech industry which can offer unique internship and networking opportunities.

4. Cornell University: Cornell's Computer Science department is part of both its College of Engineering and College of Arts and Sciences, offering ample flexibility. Cornell Tech Campus in NYC also offers a variety of opportunities for CS students.

5. University of Pennsylvania: UPenn has a strong Engineering and Applied Science school. Their CS track emphasizes both theoretical foundation and practical applications.

6. Yale University: Yale has been investing in its computer science department and boasts of faculty specialized in a wide range of CS areas. It's an upcoming player in the CS domain.

7. Brown University: Brown values a well-rounded, interdisciplinary approach, allowing a lot of flexibility for students to shape their own CS curriculum.

8. Dartmouth College: While Dartmouth may be a smaller player in the computer science scene in comparison to some of the other Ivies, their program has a strong focus on undergraduate education and student-faculty research collaboration.

Keep in mind that all Ivy League schools are excellent institutions and you should consider factors such as academic flexibility, campus culture, and location in addition to academic reputation.

2 days ago

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