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Best colleges in Maryland for computer science degree?

Living in Maryland, I'd like to stay close to home for college. Can anyone recommend some strong computer science programs within the state?

2 days ago

Sure, there are great options for studying computer science right in Maryland.

1. Johns Hopkins University: JHU, located in Baltimore, is renowned for its strong STEM programs including computer science. Its CS program emphasizes mathematical and theoretical foundations, and offers research opportunities in fields like machine learning, data-intensive computing, and bioinformatics.

2. University of Maryland, College Park: UMD College Park's computer science program is one of the top in the nation, with strong faculties and resources dedicated to this path. The department's specialties range from artificial intelligence and computer graphics to systems and networking.

3. University of Maryland, Baltimore County: UMBC also has a competitive computer science program. The department offers a robust curriculum and ample opportunities for undergraduate research.

4. Loyola University Maryland: Loyola's computer science program combines the rigor of a BS degree with the flexibility of a BA. This learning environment promotes problem-solving, communication, and teamwork skills.

These schools' strengths vary, so I'd encourage you to visit each campus (if possible), connect with current students or alumni, and explore the curriculum and faculty research to see which one aligns best with your interests and aspirations.

2 days ago

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