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Midwest colleges known for computer science programs?

I'm open to attending college anywhere in the Midwest and I want to major in computer science. Which schools in that region are reputed for their computer science departments?

3 days ago

Indeed, several Midwest colleges are known for their standout computer science programs. Here are some that you might consider:

1. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: The Department of Computer Science at Illinois consistently ranks among the top computer science programs in the U.S. They offer a robust curriculum that covers areas like data science, artificial intelligence, and software engineering.

2. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: The Computer Science and Engineering division at Michigan is also highly ranked. Their program emphasizes practical aspects of CS, encourages collaborative projects, and provides research opportunities.

3. the University of Wisconsin, Madison: Wisconsin boasts a comprehensive CS department with a robust curriculum and numerous research opportunities.

4. Purdue University: Purdue's Department of Computer Science is known for its diverse course offerings and strong research credentials in areas like databases and machine learning.

5. Carnegie Mellon University: While technically in the Northeast, it's worth noting Carnegie Mellon University's CS program, which is considered one of the best worldwide.

Remember to visit these schools' websites to understand more about their strengths, such as available courses, faculty, research opportunities, internships, and post-graduation placement rates. Furthermore, consider visiting the campuses or connecting with professors and students from these programs to gain more personal insights into what each might offer to you as a prospective student.

3 days ago

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