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Best NYC colleges for studying computer science?

I'm fascinated by the tech industry and thinking about studying computer science in NYC. Which colleges there have the best programs for this field?

3 days ago

New York City has several prestigious institutions offering renowned computer science programs.

1. Columbia University: Columbia has an extensive computer science department offering multiple degree options. It's particularly well-regarded in areas like computer security, computer graphics, and natural language processing.

2. New York University (NYU): NYU's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences includes a highly-ranked computer science department. Students have the chance to specialize in tracks including computer systems, artificial intelligence, data science, or game engineering.

3. City University of New York (CUNY): CUNY’s Graduate Center has a well-respected computer science program, known for producing graduates who have gone on to be leaders in academia, government, and industry.

4. The Cooper Union: While The Cooper Union is primarily known for its architecture, art, and engineering programs, it also offers a comprehensive B.S. in Computer Science program under the Albert Nerken School of Engineering.

5. Cornell Tech: This is Cornell University's technology and business-focused campus located on Roosevelt Island. While it's a graduate school, it's noteworthy for those interested in pursuing a Master's degree in the field.

Always remember to research each program thoroughly, considering factors such as course content, research opportunities, faculty, internships, job placements, and costs. Make sure that the program aligns with your personal career goals and aspirations in the tech industry. Consulting with current students and alumni can also provide valuable insights.

3 days ago

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