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Scholarships for commended National Merit Scholars?

Hi everyone! I was just named a commended National Merit Scholar, and I was wondering if there are any scholarships out there that I'm now eligible for. Any advice would be super helpful!

a year ago

Congratulations on being named a Commended National Merit Scholar! That's a significant achievement, and it can open up some scholarship opportunities for you. While Commended Scholars don't receive a scholarship directly from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, some colleges and universities, as well as private or corporate sponsors, do offer scholarships specifically for these students.

To find scholarships available to Commended Scholars, you should start by researching the financial aid opportunities at the colleges you're interested in. Check their websites or contact the financial aid offices to ask whether they offer any scholarships for students with your distinction. Some schools may have additional application requirements or deadlines, so it's important to gather this information early on.

Additionally, look for scholarships from private organizations or corporations. Websites like Fastweb, Cappex, and all have extensive scholarship databases, where you might find some opportunities tailored to Commended National Merit Scholars.

Don't forget to also consider other scholarships that you're eligible for beyond the National Merit Scholar recognition. Pursue scholarships based on personal background, academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, or even essay-based awards. By casting a wider net, you'll increase your chances of finding financial aid that aligns with your accomplishments and interests.

Finally, remember that every scholarship you apply for has its own set of requirements, criteria, and deadlines, so ensure you understand and fulfill them. Good luck on your scholarship search, and again, congratulations on your achievement as a Commended National Merit Scholar!

a year ago

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