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What are the weight and height requirements for enlisting in the military?

I'm considering enlisting and want to make sure I meet the physical standards. Can anyone break down the weight and height requirements for different branches? I want to be fully prepared before I talk to a recruiter.

3 days ago

Each branch of the United States military has its own specific height and weight standards. However, these requirements do not necessarily disqualify you if you do not fit within them, because body composition and physical fitness are also evaluated.

For the Army, both men and women must be at least 60 inches (5 feet) and not more than 80 inches (6 feet, 8 inches). Weight requirements vary by height and age. For example, a 5’6” man aged 17 to 20 must weigh between 117-170 lbs, while their female counterparts must weigh between 105-155 lbs.

In the Navy, men must be 60 to 80 inches (5 to 6.67 feet), and women must be 58 to 78 inches (4.83 to 6.5 feet). Weight requirements are also based on height and gender. A man who is 5'9" must weigh between 144-186 lbs, while a woman of the same height should weigh between 131-167 lbs.

For the Marines, both men and women should be 58 to 78 inches (4.83 to 6.5 feet). For a male Marine who is 5'7", the acceptable weight range is 121-159 lbs, while a woman, at the same height, must weigh between 122-165 lbs.

In the Air Force, the minimum height is 58 inches (4.83 feet) and the maximum is 80 inches (6.67 feet) for both men and women. A 5'8" man must weigh between 126-173 lbs, while a woman of the same height must be within 118-168 lbs.

The Coast Guard requires individuals to be between 60 and 80 inches (5 and 6.67 feet), but weight requirements are more flexible, as Coast Guard recruits must meet body fat requirements instead. Men must have less than 23% body fat and women less than 34% body fat.

The newly established Space Force follows the same physical requirements as the Air Force as it's under the Department of the Air Force.

Remember, you can still be eligible to serve if you don't meet these exact requirements. You just have to demonstrate that you are physically fit and healthy. Furthermore, each branch has its own body fat measurement standards, which could also affect whether or not you're eligible to serve. It's best to have a conversation with a recruiter to get the most accurate picture of whether you qualify for military service.

3 days ago

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