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Advice on Best Colleges for Mechanical Engineering in California?

I'm a high school junior interested in mechanical engineering and I'd love to stay in California for college. Does anyone know which colleges have the best programs and opportunities for networking in this field?

3 days ago

California is home to a wide variety of excellent engineering schools, particularly in mechanical engineering.

The University of California, Berkeley is one of the strongest institutions in this field. Not only does it have a robust curriculum, but it also boasts extensive research opportunities and facilities. In addition, its strong connections to the tech and engineering industries provide plenty of opportunities for internships and networking.

Stanford University is another exemplary choice. Stanford is renowned for its engineering programs and it has a strong emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship, which may lead to opportunities for start-up involvement or research.

The California Institute of Technology (Caltech), while it is a much smaller school compared to UC Berkeley or Stanford, also has extremely strong STEM programs. With its close connections to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and other tech companies, there are plenty of chances for research opportunities and internships.

The University of California, San Diego, and the University of California, Los Angeles also have reputable engineering programs with a wide range of research options and good industry connections for internships.

All of these programs have rigorous curricula and will require a strong academic profile for admission. Remember to also reflect on factors like the school culture, size, and location when considering these options, and make sure the school is the right fit for you overall. Best of luck with your college search!

3 days ago

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