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Top Colleges in Louisiana for Engineering?

I'm looking into engineering programs and want to stay close to home in Louisiana. Can anyone recommend some of the best engineering colleges here? I'm interested in mechanical and possibly civil engineering. Any advice would be great!

2 days ago

The state of Louisiana boasts quite a few universities with reputable engineering programs. The following could meet your requirements:

1. Louisiana State University (LSU): LSU's College of Engineering is the highest-rated engineering school in the state. The school offers undergraduate programs in several disciplines of engineering, including Mechanical and Civil Engineering, with plenty of opportunities for research and hands-on projects.

2. Tulane University: Although better known for its programs in the liberal arts, Tulane also offers a well-regarded program in engineering. Mechanical Engineering is one of the options at the School of Science and Engineering.

3. Louisiana Tech University: The College of Engineering and Science at Louisiana Tech also has robust Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering programs. They are known for their small class sizes and focus on experiential learning.

4. University of New Orleans (UNO): The College of Engineering at UNO offers both Mechanical and Civil Engineering programs. They're known for their strong connections to industry in the New Orleans area, which can be beneficial for internships and jobs after graduation.

5. University of Louisiana at Lafayette: The College of Engineering offers rigorous programs in both Mechanical and Civil Engineering.

When comparing schools, consider factors like class size, hands-on learning opportunities, faculty expertise, links with industry, and course content. It's also worth visiting the campuses if possible to get a sense of the environment and to meet with faculty and current students. Let me know if you need more specific breakdowns of each school's programs!

2 days ago

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