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Minimum enlistment age for military

I'm considering enlisting in the military right after high school. Could someone clarify what the minimum age requirement is to join any branch of the US military?

2 days ago

The minimum age for enlistment in the United States military differs slightly across branches, generally ranging from 17 to 18 years old. A brief summary for each branch:

1. Army: You can enlist at 17 with parental consent. If you don't have consent, you have to be at least 18.

2. Navy: Similar to the Army, you can enlist at 17 with parental consent or wait until you're 18.

3. Air Force: You can enlist at 17 with parental consent, but otherwise, you have to be 18.

4. Marines: The age requirement is the same as the Army and Navy: 17 with parental consent or 18 without consent.

5. Coast Guard: You have to be 17 to enlist with parental consent, or 18 without it. They also have an upper age limit of 28 for active duty enlistment.

6. Space Force: Since the Space Force is a newer branch and under the Department of the Air Force, it follows the same enlistment ages as the Air Force.

Keep in mind that even with parental consent to enlist at 17, you cannot be sent to a combat zone until you're 18. It's also good to know that each branch may have different physical, mental, and moral standards for enlistment. Make sure to research these requirements of the particular branch you're considering as well.

2 days ago

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