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Options for trade jobs right after high school?

I'm considering jumping straight into a trade job after I finish high school. I've heard good things about stable incomes and job security, but I'm not sure if it's the right move. What trade jobs should I look into?

2 days ago

There are numerous trade jobs you could consider right after high school, and indeed, many offer substantial income potential and job stability.

One option is becoming an electrician. Electricians work on various electrical systems, and it's a field that generally requires an apprenticeship of four to five years. The median annual wage is quite attractive and you have the potential to earn more as you gain experience.

A career as a HVAC technician might also be of interest. Technicians install, maintain, and repair heating and air conditioning systems. Typically, individuals complete a postsecondary educational program and then an apprenticeship.

You could also consider training to be a plumber. Plumbers install and repair pipes that provide water and gas to, as well as carry waste away from, homes and businesses. This field also requires apprenticeship experience before licensure.

One less traditional, but growing, trade job to consider is a wind turbine technician. As the name implies, these techs install, maintain, and repair wind turbines. This job usually requires a two-year program at a technical school.

Do note that while these trade jobs don't require a traditional four-year degree, they often involve some postsecondary training or apprenticeship programs. It's also important to research any specific licensure requirements for your state.

When making the decision, consider your interests and aptitudes. If you're mechanically inclined, enjoy problem-solving and prefer a physically active job, a trade job could be a good fit. As with any career choice, it's always a good idea to shadow a professional or get some first-hand experience before fully committing to a trade job path.

2 days ago

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