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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Academic Common Marketplace Info

I've heard of the Academic Common Marketplace, but I'm not sure what it is or how to use it. Could anyone give me some info? Is it helpful for finding research opportunities or internships?

a year ago

The Academic Common Marketplace (ACM) is an online platform designed to connect students with research opportunities, internships, and other academic experiences throughout various fields. Its primary goal is to provide a centralized location where students can explore available opportunities, and faculty or organizations can post their needs for research positions or internships. The platform typically serves undergraduates, graduate students, and sometimes high school students who are interested in pursuing research or other academic experiences.

To use the platform, you'll need to create an account. Once you have an account, you can browse through a wide range of opportunities posted by faculty members and organizations from around the world. You can filter based on factors such as location, field of study, and type of opportunity (paid, unpaid, internship, etc.). As you come across opportunities that interest you, make sure to carefully read the description and requirements to ensure you're qualified and prepared for the experience.

It's important to note that the availability of opportunities on the ACM platform may vary depending on your field of interest and the specific time you're searching. At times, there might be an abundance of research positions, while during other periods, you may come across more internship options. It can be helpful to check the platform regularly to stay updated on new postings.

When it comes to finding research opportunities or internships, the Academic Common Marketplace can be a valuable resource. However, you should also explore other avenues like networking with your professors or advisers, searching through dedicated internship and research platforms, and using your school's career center to access local opportunities. By utilizing multiple resources, you increase your chances of securing a meaningful and suitable experience that aligns with your interests and goals.

a year ago

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