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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are two solid job options right after high school?

I’m thinking about joining the workforce directly after high school. What are a couple of solid job options that can offer good experience or pay, even if they're not long-term careers?

2 days ago

Sure, there are quite a few options available to high school graduates who are ready to get themselves into the workforce.

1. Skilled Trades: There’s a high demand for skilled tradespeople, and many of these positions don’t require a college degree. Examples of skilled trades include electricians, plumbers, HVAC technicians, and welders. These positions often involve on-the-job training or apprenticeships, so besides having the opportunity to earn while you learn, you’d also have the potential for a well-paying career in the future.

2. Retail Manager: If you have any experience in retail from a part-time job during high school, or even if you've just developed strong leadership and interpersonal skills, retail can be a great path. Many retail chains have manager trainee programs. You could start as a sales associate and work your way up. Store management can teach valuable skills in people management, logistics, sales, and more.

Remember, the most important thing when starting in the workforce is to seek roles that provide you with the chance to learn and flourish both personally and professionally.

2 days ago

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