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Best temp jobs for high school students?

I'm a high school junior looking to earn some extra cash. Are there any temp jobs that are particularly good or popular for high school students? I'm open to suggestions and would love to hear about your experiences!

2 days ago

Sure, many temp jobs can work well for high school students and can help you earn a bit of money on the side. Here are some ideas:

1. Retail: While it might not seem glamorous, working in retail is a good way to earn some money and gain customer service experience. Think about local shops and boutiques, or larger department store chains.

2. Fast Food/Restaurant: Many teens work in the food service industry. Fast food restaurants, diners, and coffee shops often need staff and are willing to offer flexible hours. You can gain skills in customer service and on-the-fly problem-solving.

3. Tutoring: If you do well in school and enjoy teaching, you could consider offering tutoring services to younger students. It's a great way to be paid for something you're good at, and it can be done online too.

4. Babysitting: This is a classic job for high schoolers, and it's still relevant. You'll need to have a responsible demeanor and be good with kids, but babysitting can be a lucrative gig.

5. Local Community Jobs: This could be a park district job, library assistant, or recreation department worker. These typically have flexible hours and are geared towards helping the community.

6. Seasonal Work: Seasonal jobs like holiday retail work, manual labor in the summer, or farm work in the fall for apple picking season can be great opportunities.

Remember: Whatever job you choose should respect your hours and not interfere with your schoolwork or study time. Your education is the most important thing at this stage. As a student, your work should ideally offer some flexibility around your school schedule.

2 days ago

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