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What are the top high school graduate jobs for 2025?

As a junior, I'm curious about what job opportunities will be available for high school graduates in 2025. Any ideas on industries or positions that are expected to be in demand?

2 days ago

Sure, it's insightful to start considering this early on. In 2025, here are some industries and positions that could have high demand for high school graduates:

1. Healthcare Support: With an aging population and increased need for healthcare services, jobs in healthcare support could see a rise. Positions include home health aides, nursing assistants, and medical technicians. Many of these positions require some level of certification, though.

2. Skilled Trades: Skilled trade positions, such as electricians, plumbers, HVAC technicians, and carpenters are and will continue to be in demand. While some trade jobs require a post-secondary non-degree award, others can be learned entirely on the job.

3. Customer Service Representatives: As online retail and tech services continue to grow, there will likely be an increased need for customer service representatives. This typically requires strong communication skills and a knack for problem-solving.

4. Sales Positions: Retail sales and other sales positions often have openings for high school graduates. This can include roles at brick-and-mortar stores or in direct consumer sales.

5. Physical Labor Positions: Opportunities in sectors such as construction and landscaping are often available for high school grads and can provide a good salary with plenty of room for advancement.

6. Food Service and Preparation: With restaurants and food businesses continually on the rise, they often hire high school graduates for positions ranging from line cooks to restaurant managers.

7. Administrative Support: Office clerks, administrative assistants, and receptionists are often positions that high school graduates can fill. These jobs offer entry-level experience in office management.

Remember, while these are jobs that typically hire high school graduates, many of them do require specific skills or training. Therefore, you might want to start considering what interests you have and what sort of training or work experiences you can pursue now to prepare for these opportunities.

2 days ago

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