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Finding Jobs with Just a High School Diploma?

I'm planning to enter the workforce after high school instead of going to college right away. What are some top jobs you can get with a high school diploma? Looking for something that also offers potential for career growth.

2 days ago

Indeed, there are many rewarding job pathways that don't require a college degree right out of high school. Some high-growth careers that require just a high school diploma include:

1. Service Managers: roles like restaurant managers, hotel service managers, or residential property managers offer steady employment and potential for career advancement.

2. Sales Representatives: Many retail and wholesale companies hire high school graduates for sales positions. These roles involve building relationships with customers and promoting products or services. Advancement to managerial roles is quite common in sales.

3. Electricians, Plumbers, and HVAC Technicians: Trades, like electricians, plumbers, and HVAC technicians, often require some technical training or an apprenticeship, but many of these programs accept high school graduates. These fields tend to pay well and are always in demand.

4. Emergency Medical Technician (EMT): EMTs provide emergency medical services in pre-hospital settings. Depending on your state, you might need to complete a specific number of hours in a training program, but many people begin these programs right after high school.

5. Real Estate Agents: After obtaining a high school diploma, one can take a short course to become a certified real estate agent. The real estate market can provide lucrative opportunities, especially during housing booms.

6. Customer Service Representatives: These roles can be found in many industries and often have pathways to supervisory or managerial roles. They involve interacting with customers and resolving their concerns.

7. Construction and Building Inspectors: Inspectors ensure that construction meets local and national building codes and ordinances, zoning regulations, and contract specifications. Some on-the-job training may be required, but high school graduates are eligible for entry-level positions.

Remember, while these jobs don't require a college degree at entry-level, many of them will require you to complete on-the-job training or obtain certain certifications to progress in your career. These requirements vary by state and occupation. In many industries, proving your abilities and dedication on the job can lead to opportunities for career advancement.

2 days ago

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