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Best Jobs for High School Students in 2024?

For those planning to work during high school next year, what are some of the best jobs in 2024 for high school students? I'm looking to earn some money and maybe gain useful experience that might help with college applications.

2 days ago

In considering both income and gaining relevant experiences for college applications, here are some options you may consider:

1. Tutor: If you're strong in a particular subject, you may consider becoming a tutor. This can demonstrate your communication and leadership skills, and your mastery of that particular subject. You can tutor younger students, fellow high schoolers, or even help adults with languages and computer skills.

2. Retail Work: Your local grocery store or retail shops may be looking for part-time employees. This job type can help you develop skills in customer service, problem-solving, and time management.

3. Babysitting/Nanny: Babysitting is a traditional part-time job for high school students. It can help demonstrate your responsibility and maturity, especially if you're looking to study a field related to education or child development.

4. Pet Care: If you love animals, you might find work as a pet sitter or dog walker. This job can help demonstrate responsibility and shows that you can be trusted with the care of living things.

5. Internship: Some companies offer paid internships to high school students, particularly in technical fields like computer programming or graphic design. This can provide valuable practical experience related to your desired field of study.

6. Volunteer Work: While you won't make money with these positions, volunteering at a local nonprofit, hospital, or community center can provide rich experiences and demonstrate a commitment to your community. This can greatly enhance your college applications, especially if the volunteering aligns with your intended field of study.

7. Freelance Work: If you have a skill in something like graphic design, web development, writing, or video editing, you might consider doing freelance work. This can showcase your initiative and could also be related to your desired field of study.

Remember, when selecting a job, consider the time commitment and how it will fit into your study schedule and extracurricular activities. It's crucial to maintain a balance and avoid taking on too much. College admissions officers will be impressed by an ability to maintain good grades and participate in extracurriculars, while also holding a part-time job, as it implies good management skills. Best of luck as you make your decision!

2 days ago

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