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What are some top-paying jobs I can get without a high school diploma?

I'm curious about job options that pay well even if I don't have a high school diploma. What are some careers where I can earn a decent salary without finishing high school? Any insights or examples would be super helpful!

2 days ago

While a high school diploma may open up more opportunities, there are several high-paying jobs that don't require a high school diploma. Of course, these may require other forms of training and education, or significant work experience in lieu of a formal education.

1. Entrepreneur/Business Owner: While this requires resourcefulness and hard work, several successful entrepreneurs never completed high school. They ranged from local restaurant owners to large-scale business owners.

2. Commercial Driver: You could become a commercial truck driver or a bus driver. While this does require a commercial driver’s license, it doesn't require a high school diploma. The pay can be quite good, especially for long-haul drivers.

3. Heavy Equipment Operator: This job involves operating heavy machinery in construction sites. While it requires training and certification, no high school diploma is necessary.

4. Construction Manager: With enough experience in construction, you could become a construction manager. This job involves overseeing and planning construction projects, and can be high-paying with enough experience.

5. Real Estate Broker: After gaining enough experience in the real estate market, you can become a real estate broker. This job does require a license, but not a high school diploma.

Just remember: while these jobs technically don't require a high school diploma, some sort of training or certification may still be necessary to be successful. They also typically require significant work experience or skills which often substitute formal education.

2 days ago

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