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High School Courses for Streamlining Job Applications

What types of courses in high school help put on job applications? I'm trying to choose electives that might look good when applying for part-time jobs now or even post-graduation roles.

2 days ago

Certainly, the kind of courses you choose in high school can provide a strong foundation for your future employment. First, it largely depends on what field you are interested in. For example, if you're eyeing tech or IT jobs, you might want to prioritize classes like Computer Science, Information Technology, or Web Design. For business-oriented roles, classes like Economics, Business Management, or Accounting would be beneficial.

However, regardless of your industry of interest, certain classes can add universal value to your profile. These include:

1. Foreign Language Classes: Being bilingual, or even multilingual, can be a major asset in many workplaces. It can open up opportunities in global companies or roles in customer service, translation, etc.

2. Advanced Math: Even if you're not going into a math-heavy field, taking advanced math classes can demonstrate a good work ethic and problem-solving skills.

3. Communication Courses: Strong communication skills will always be valuable in the workplace. Classes in Public Speaking, Persuasive Writing, or even Debate can hone these skills.

4. Vocational Classes: Some high schools offer vocational courses like Business Administration, Graphic Design, or Basic Programming. These offer practical job skills that can be immediately applied in the workforce.

5. Advanced Placement (AP) Classes: Taking rigorous AP courses can showcase your ability to manage challenges and maintain a strong work ethic, both of which are attractive to employers.

Remember, the best way to make your high school classes work in your favor in a job application is to relate the skills you gained from these courses directly to the job duties of the position for which you're applying. That could mean your proficiency in Spanish for a customer service role in a bilingual community, or your skills in problem-solving from AP Calculus for an analytical role.

2 days ago

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