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What are typical high school jobs students work at?

I'm looking to get a part-time job while in high school, but I'm not sure where to start. What are some common jobs that high school students usually get hired for?

2 days ago

Sure! Many high school students find work in a variety of part-time jobs that accommodate their school schedules. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Retail Associate: Many clothing stores, supermarkets, and other shops offer part-time positions that are suitable for high school students. You might work as a cashier, stocker, or customer service representative.

2. Food Service: Fast food restaurants, local diners, or coffee shops often hire high school students. Roles could range from cashier, to food preparation, to server.

3. Tutoring: If you excel in a particular subject, you might consider becoming a tutor for younger students. You could advertise your services independently or work for a tutoring center.

4. Babysitting/Nannying: If you enjoy working with children, babysitting can be a flexible option that often pays well.

5. Lawn Care or Snow Shoveling: Depending on the season, you could offer services like mowing lawns, raking leaves, or shoveling snow in your neighborhood.

6. Recreation Jobs: Look into jobs at recreation centers, swimming pools, or camps. These could include lifeguarding, coaching, or working at a summer camp.

7. Dog Walking/Pet Sitting: If you're an animal lover, consider a dog-walking service or pet-sitting.

It's important to balance work with your academic commitments, so look for jobs with flexible schedules that respect your need for homework and study time. Also, many jobs require you to be at least 16 years old, so keep that in mind when searching. Cheers to your job hunt!

2 days ago

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