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How can I find a virtual job as a high school student?

I'm a high schooler looking to gain some work experience and earn money through a virtual job. Does anyone know where I can find legitimate virtual job opportunities suitable for high school students?

2 days ago

There are several places to look for remote work opportunities as a high school student. Make sure you understand any legal work age limitations in your state and you have permission from a guardian if you're under 18.

1. and Chegg Tutors: You can consider online tutoring opportunities if you excel in any subject. Websites like and Chegg Tutors are among the popular ones. They usually require you to be at least a high school senior and have a solid grounding in one or more subjects.

2. Fiverr or Upwork: These platforms connect freelancers with clients needing services in areas such as graphics and design, digital marketing, or writing. Remember, these are competitive platforms, so you will need to build your profile and provide quality work to get and keep jobs.

3. If you like kids or pets, you can find babysitting or pet-sitting jobs. Some of these could be done online, such as helping kids with their homework.

4. Online Surveys or Testing Websites: While not a traditional job, companies like Swagbucks pay you to fill out surveys or try out websites and games. The pay is usually low, but the work is flexible and requires no special skills.

Remember, anytime you're seeking an online job, be aware of potential scams. Do research on the company, read reviews, and never give out personal information unnecessarily.

Remember to also manage your time wisely as your studies and well-being should always remain your top priority.

2 days ago

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