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What does a high school football manager do?

I'm interested in becoming a football manager at my school and I want to know what the job involves. Is it just managing equipment, or are there other responsibilities? Would love to hear from someone who's done it before.

2 days ago

Becoming a high school football manager can be a rewarding experience and is a unique way of becoming involved with the team! As a football manager, your responsibilities can span a number of areas, depending on the specific needs of your team.

Typically, a football manager's duties often revolve around logistical support for the team, coaches, and staff. This often includes but isn't limited to maintaining and organizing equipment, ensuring all gear is ready for practices and games, helping with field set-up and tear-down, and sometimes managing uniforms.

In some programs, managers might also be responsible for recording game and practice statistics, coordinating communication between coaches, players, and parents, and even assisting with film study and breakdown.

Higher level tasks could involve aid with strategy setting and planning, particularly for more senior/experienced managers. This could take the form of reviewing game footage, tracking player stats, and helping to plan practices or drills.

It's important to remember, though, that the specifics of this role can vary from one school to another, and some programs might have a more comprehensive set of tasks for their managers compared to others.

Also, bear in mind that this role not only demands good organizational skills, but excellent interpersonal skills as well, as you'll be regularly interacting with a variety of individuals from coaches to players to other school staff. By becoming a football manager, you'll be playing an integral part in the smooth running of the football program at your school.

Finally, it could be helpful to reach out to your school's athletic department or the football team's head coach to get a more detailed understanding of what the role might entail at your specific school.

2 days ago

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