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What job options do I have with a high school diploma?

I'm graduating soon and wondering what kind of jobs I can get with just a high school diploma. I'm not planning on going to college right away, so I'm hoping to find something decent. Any suggestions or personal experiences would be really helpful!

2 days ago

There are quite a number of jobs that high school graduates can venture into. Consider your skills and interests when looking for a job as this can lead to a more fulfilling experience. Here are a few sectors that typically hire workers with a high school diploma:

1. Construction and Extraction: Many people start their careers in construction right out of high school. Jobs can range from laborers, who perform physical tasks like digging trenches or loading materials, to skilled tradespeople like carpenters, electricians, and plumbers.

2. Salon and Personal Care Services: Hair stylist, barber, make-up artist, manicurist and so on, generally require a certificate of completion from a vocational school, but not a college degree.

3. Food Service: While entry-level food service jobs generally pay around minimum wage, there are opportunities to move up, especially if you work at a restaurant with a tipping policy.

4. Transportation: Depending on the laws in your area, you might be able to become a driver for a ridesharing company like Uber or Lyft, or a delivery driver for a company like DoorDash.

5. Retail Sales: This can include anything from working as a cashier to selling cars.

Additionally, if you're interested in technological subjects, you might consider obtaining certifications and potentially landing a job in IT support or as a computer systems technician.

Remember to always look for ways to upgrade your skillset, whether through on-the-job training or taking online courses in your free time. This can potentially open more doors and higher-paying positions in the long run.

2 days ago

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