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What's the job of a Seabee in the military?

I'm curious about what Seabees actually do in the military. Are there specific tasks or roles they handle? I'm considering military options after high school, and this caught my interest. Any insights would be helpful as I research possible paths.

2 days ago

Seabees play a critical function within the United States Navy—they're the construction battalion, hence the nickname "Seabees," derived from the initialism "CB." Their responsibilities mainly lie in building and repairing structures in both Navy and Marine Corps operations, often in difficult or combat-heavy environments.

A few specific roles of a Seabee might include being a builder (comparable to a civilian construction worker), an equipment operator (managing heavy construction equipment), or a construction mechanic (maintaining and fixing automobiles and construction machinery), among others. It's notable that every Seabee, regardless of their primary assignment, is also trained to defend their units if necessary, as they often operate in war zones where their construction skills are needed.

Choosing to become a Seabee could offer unique experience in fields like construction, engineering, and logistics. It would also provide military training and the potential for various veterans' benefits after your service is complete. However, just as with any military role, it's important to weigh the commitment and potential danger associated with this position before making your decision.

2 days ago

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