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Where can I find the best online colleges for environmental science?

I'm really interested in studying environmental science, but I need a flexible online program. Does anyone know which colleges are considered the best for online studies in this field?

2 days ago

Certainly! There are several reputable institutions that offer online Environmental Science programs, allowing for flexibility in your studies. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Oregon State University: OSU has a strong reputation for its science programs and offers a robust online Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences. The program offers several specializations, including Conservation, Resources, and Sustainability.

2. Florida International University: FIU offers a Bachelor of Arts in Sustainability and the Environment. This program focuses on the relationship between society, environment, and economic systems, making it a well-rounded choice.

3. University of Illinois at Springfield: UIS provides an online Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies. It emphasizes real-world skills like resource management and environmental biology.

4. American Public University: This fully online university offers a variety of environment-related degrees, including Environmental Policy and Management. The classes are 8 weeks long and start monthly, allowing for even more flexibility.

Please remember that online program quality could vary. Be sure to investigate each program thoroughly, consider the curriculum, faculty, resources, cost, and student feedback before making your decision. Good luck with your future studies!

2 days ago

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