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Top online options for a health sciences degree?

I’m exploring online degrees and think I want to major in health sciences. What are some of the best online colleges offering a health sciences program?

2 days ago

There are a number of reputable online programs that offer a degree in Health Sciences. Here are a few options to consider:

1. University of Massachusetts-Lowell: UMass Lowell's Online Bachelor’s Degree in Health Sciences is designed for healthcare professionals who wish to enhance their careers or to shift to the health industry. The program provides a foundation in public health, health promotion, and disease prevention.

2. Rutgers University: The School of Health Professions at Rutgers offers a Health Sciences degree program that can be completed online. This program focuses on providing students with the skills needed to adapt to changes in the health field.

3. Arizona State University: ASU offers a flexible, fully-online Bachelor of Science degree in Health Sciences. This program is focused on health care delivery, health care management, and related professional fields.

4. Oregon Institute of Technology: Oregon Tech's online Health Sciences degree is designed for individuals with a background in health care, giving them the opportunity for career advancement in management, education, and other emerging health professions.

5. Northeastern University: Northeastern's Bachelor of Science degree in Health Science is aimed at working professionals and prepares students for roles within the complex health sector, graduate study, as well as professional programs in medicine, public health, and more.

Remember to research each program thoroughly to see if it offers the specific areas of study you're interested in. Also, important factors to consider include the college's accreditation, the curriculum, tuition costs, faculty qualifications, and the degree of flexibility or synchronicity the program requires. It's also worth noting that many of these programs tend to require some level of previous healthcare experience or some introductory coursework, so make sure to look at their requirements to see if they align with your qualifications.

2 days ago

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