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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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AP score release schedule?

Hi everyone! Can someone please let me know the schedule for when AP scores will be released? Also, does it differ by state or region? I just want to make sure I'm prepared for when the results come out. Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! The College Board typically releases AP scores in early July, and the release dates do differ by state and region. They follow a phased rollout, which means that some students will be able to receive their scores a little earlier than others. As you get closer to the release dates, the College Board will have an updated schedule on their website with specific dates for different states.

To access your scores, you will need to log in to your College Board account, using the same login credentials as when you registered for the AP exams. Make sure you know your login information and have it ready, so you're prepared when the scores become available.

Best of luck with your AP scores! Remember that colleges care more about the AP courses you take and the grades you receive in them, as they demonstrate your course rigor. AP scores themselves don't have as much of an impact on college admissions.

a year ago

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